Aquatic Park Cove- San Francisco

Okay, San Francisco has more than its share of first world social problems. I get that. BUT….but this part I am in is amazing! I am up in the cockpit, the sun is shining in and the clears are up keeping me warm from that wickedly cold wind. Dean and Peter have gone ashore to look at old boats in the museum and I have been watching this little piece of the world go by as I sit up here doing some embroidery.

There they go…..ahhh peace and alone time.

It is Saturday so the swimmers are out in force. I can’t believe how many people brave the waters to do this, but I admire them greatly. Two guys were in the water discussing if we were from Brisbane in San Francisco or Australia. I popped my head out and we had a chat. When I told them I thought they were nuts they laughed and said you get used to it. Me? Never. But despite that they welcomed me to their town.

Another guy swam up and down all morning for hours. Smeared in something white, either to stop him getting burnt or help keep warm, I don’t know, he towed this duck behind him. From what I can work out it is in fact a bag where he can keep his valuables dry while he swims. But he was more visible than any other swimmer, so great idea! Perhaps he is in training for the Annual Alcatraz Sharkfest swim in June .

This year will be the 31st time the event has been run. A ferry takes contestants over to Alcatraz, they jump in and have 75 minutes to swim back to Aquatic Park, and kayakers follow to assist anyone in trouble. Due to tides if the swimmer aims directly for Aquatic Park they will swept West, past the entrance and need to be picked up by a support boat. If they aim too far left they may have to swim a bit further to reach the entrance. Sounds like a nightmare to me, but so far over 20 000 swimmers have participated over the years.

Anyway, I have been side tracked. Back to my bit of serenity. While the wind howls outside three teenagers are sailing a trailer sailor size yacht around the harbour. In a world where we protect our children from everything and hover incessantly, to see these kids out was heart warming. I did hold my breath, when with the confidence of youth, they skimmed past the back of our boat with no margin for error. But there was no collision so all was good. Here they are back just to torment me I think! Part of the Sea Scouts, the boat was out all day with the teams of kids changing.

There were people rowing, seals swimming, and pesky sea gulls thinking they could find a comfy seat on our boat.

Along the shore there were running groups, people cycling, and others just content to lie in the park and watch others do the strenuous work. A bit like me. A yacht about the same size as us came in and dropped anchor just in front of us for lunch. I watched it get closer and closer until finally I felt I needed to say something. I poked my head out and waved and said umm you guys seem to be getting closer to me. Yes, yes we’re just leaving they said with a laugh. And off they went to continue their fun in windy San Francisco Bay.

At night the shore looks pretty, all lit up with lights. Although we have a view of the bridge surprisingly, it actually isn’t that brightly lit at night. Ghiradelli, the large lit up sign you can see is the local chocolate brand and under it is a restuarant precinct also with plenty of opportunity to buy their chocolate.

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