Thermal Cooking

Thermal cooking allows us to make fantastic slow cooked meals, which are so welcome after a days sailing in cold weather. But more than that we are saving energy.

The only energy we expend is the initial heating on the stove. The next 8-10 hours of cooking is perpetuated by the wonderful insulation properties of the cooker we have chosen.

I chose the Thermos Thermal Cookware and I haven’t been disappointed. The hardware is good quality and easily cleaned. It consists of two basic units:

Thermos Shuttle Chef
  • an inner pot made of good quality stainless steel to bring the food to the boil
  • an outer pot that is insulated and retains heat and allows cooking to continue in a safe environment

There are rules around thermal cooking, and for very good reason. You don’t want to give yourself food poisoning! Always read the instructions carefully for the hardware you select.

Within the Thermos cookware I selected the 2 x 3L saucepans. This meant I could make smaller meals but make two of them. That means I can make a hot main and dessert at the same time- important for keeping the Captain happy (Happy Captain=Happy Captains Lover!!). Or alternatively make a main with a pasta/rice side (Captain’s tummy full= Happy Captain= Happy Lover).