Videos- Japan

You can take the road less travelled and visit places that aren’t on the normal tourist itineraries. We were the only people visiting beautiful Dakigaeri Gorge, Akita, Japan.
There’s nothing like getting a bit of culture, and there is plenty to be had in Japan. This is part of a performance of traditional Namahage, at the Oga Shinzan Folklore Museum. Overseas visitors are provided with a tablet that gives a translation of the performance in their own language.
We loved sailing on the Japan Inland Sea, known as Seto Naikai. We could have spent weeks exploring, it is so beautiful.
It was a foggy day when we sailed under the Seto Ohashi Bridge. You can see the turbulance in the water- great care needs to be taken when sailing the Seto Naikai to time tides and avoid strong currents.
We saw friends off, heading back to Tokyo, travelling on the Ogasawara Maru. It was a fun festival atmosphere with traditional drummers and a small flotilla of boats farewelling the visitors.
Surely an “only in Japan” moment. A claw machine where you can pick up live crabs!
A lovely downwind leg along the coast of Honshu, towards Hokkaido.
Wind generators across three different days at Akita Marina, from blue sky to fog.
Rub-a-dub-dub three men in a tub…actually these are traditional Tarai Bune boats- they were used to get through the seaweed around the cliffs to harvest abalone.
Beautiful Ine.
It is quite the spectacle watching a tuna being filleted at the Kushiro Fish Market.
We were able to watch this sealife off the jetty at the marina in Chichijima. There aren’t many places you can experience this! The Sand Tiger Sharks (Grey Nurse) were remarkable.